From the mouths of babes

The wake was a little weird for all of us.  Wake services are a necessary ritual and quite beautiful.  We had a chance to speak with mom's friends, our friends and relatives.  It was a great day and mom looked beautiful.  One of the funeral home directors told us that the smile on her face was extremely uncommon...but we weren't surprised by it in the least :)

Standing near their Oma didn't phase Leo or Elena at all.  Elena kept shushing everyone because her beloved Oma was sleeping.  She also sang our sleepy-time prayer songs to Oma :)

Leo was too busy playing with his friends.  I really didn't think he noticed a thing.

Fast-forward to the burial at the cemetery.  The same place we drove past almost every day on our way to Oma's.  The same place that when Oma drove past it in her car, she would point to it with a smirk and yell out proudly to all her kids and grandkids, "You know I own property over there?!"

We concluded the service at the cemetery and we lingered for just an extra minute.  Leo looked at the casket that was now closed and looked at me with concern on his face, "Momma, I can't see Oma?!"

I told him that we had to close the door to Oma's treasure box.  Then I told him that Oma was already flying in Heaven with Jesus and the angels.

After marinating on that news for a few seconds, he looked at me and said with a little confusion, "But not flying with hams (hands)."

I giggled and said, "No way buddy!  Oma has wings now just like the angels!"  He looked in the sky and looked back at me and said, "I tan't see Oma!!  I need go to store and get nocunars (binoculars) to see Oma with wings and the angels."

I can't seem to find magical binoculars that can see through to Heaven, but all Leo needs is a little imagination and this coil spring :)

See you up there!

That was her favorite little quip when she said goodbye to visitors she knew she would never see again.

See you up there!

On Thursday, August 25th, my mom, Kathleen Marie (MacDougall) Van Zutphen passed away from complications related to pancreatic cancer.

She was surrounded by her children and free from all pain and discomfort.  It was the most peaceful and beautiful death.  After 2 days of constant sleeping, she took her last breath and was gone.  She went from being surrounded by her children on earth to being reunited with her son Kevin in heaven.  He passed away in 1980 after a tragic accident.

We were worried when she was diagnosed with cancer back in February of this year that the upcoming months would be full of pain and suffering.

Who could have predicted the upcoming months would look like this...

The baptism of her newest grandchildren days after her diagnosis!

Elena's 1st birthday party in February

Mom's 69th birthday on April 6, 2011

A special lobster dinner for her 69th birthday with my siblings!  She was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia where lobster is as common as chicken :)


Our big family reunion with almost all of her siblings in April of this year

Double Rainbow sighting in May!

Friends visiting in late June

Visits from family in late July

Can you believe that is how she spent the last 6 months living with terminal pancreatic cancer?!?!   We are going to miss her like crazy but we are so peaceful in the knowledge our Catholic faith gives us that she is enjoying her reward in Heaven with Jesus and Mary.  And we are also joyful that we have a new intercessor to pray for us constantly in heaven :)

If I even tried to relay the peace and joy she had the last few months living with terminal cancer, it just wouldn't do her justice.  She was so peaceful knowing that she would die fact, she couldn't wait :)  I can't go into the stories of her life here on my little blog - it just couldn't contain her story.  As times goes on, maybe I'll have a chance to share things here and there so that my kids can revisit it all in the future.

Holding Leo for the first time

Holding Elena for the first time

I love you and miss you Mom :)

7 Quick Takes (#7)

I have to share some cool links that my husband and I found this week.

1) BOOYAH!!!!  Remember the old and tired joke "What do you call people who use the Rhythm Method?  Parents!!!"  Har-dee-har.  Well, Booyah refers to a link from that declare "Natural Family Planning Method As Effective As Contraceptive Pill, New Research Finds." I always knew NFP was an intelligent use of the modern-day science and our research ability, but this is like a verbal high five.  I love it!!

2) This video is a beautifully done analogy to confession.  It was narrated by one of Jason's favorite professors at Franciscan, Dr. Regis Martin, the father of 10 who is famous for telling his students to find a mate, settle down and procreate with reckless abandon!!  (From

3) Next on the cool links found this week is a poem written by a college student for Open Mic at Pacific University.  This kid has kahunas!!  Think of him as "The Anti-Jersey Shore."  

He is my hero of the week.  Along with the cow that gave me the abundance of mozzarella cheese I have been eating...

4) These were quite problematic this week:

These are not Elena's feet.  This is a photo Leo took of his own feet earlier this week...While playing with my niece this week, Leo saw that she had painted a toe on each of her brother's feet.  (I even heard a rumor that her father, my brother-in-law, is walking around the office with purple toenails...)

Leo decided he wanted to be hip and begged me to paint his toes.  So I did.  But I didn't have the foresight to remember that I don't own nail polish remover.

We went to a birthday party at a neighbors' house where I sheepishly explained away the situation to my neighbors.  Turns out our neighbors just thought Jason and I were secretly goth or maybe even the forefathers of the death metal movement.  My neighbor showed up at my door with a bottle of nail polish remover and I can now proudly acknowledge my son in public again.

5) Leo decided to start contributing to the family by getting a job.  Here he is dressed to the nine's for his first day of work:

This is as far as he made it

He had to come home early to show me the 10 lb cicada he found...

Instead of keeping his day job, he passed off the bag of manliness to Dad and sent him off to provide something a little more edible for the family.

I'm a little bothered that when we checked the pocket of my favorite red sweatshirt yesterday, we only found 1/2 of the dead cicada...

6) That was a long #5.  I'm exhausted.

7) And for those of you who aren't my friends yet on Facebook, I'll share this interesting insight from a 3-year-old.

Leo: "Hey Mom.  Whatcha doin??"
Me: "Oh you know.  Just checking out facebook"
Leo: "Oh you mean like makin' funny faces??"

Happy Weekend Everyone!!!  Check out Jen's blog for the link-up to 7 Quick Takes!!

Adjusting to big changes

As I write this post, I am conflicted.  I waited to write it because I like to conduct an appropriate amount of research before I declare a victory.

How 'bout if I run upstairs real quick, snap a few photos, and that way, I can just show you why I am conflicted at the end of this post.

Let's back up, shall we?

We have a 3-bedroom house.  And while we love our house and think it is the perfect size, we need to make some adjustments as our family grows.  Up until this point, each of the kids had their own room.

But now that we are pregnant, we started to keep our eyes open for a bunk bed set on Craigslist.  With ample time to research, we knew we could get a good deal.  Turns out, a young guy was selling his and I talked him down quite a bit.  But, I forgot to ask one key question: Smoking or Non??

YUCK!!  His father walked in while we were there and he was carrying 4 packs of Marlboro's.  I won't make that mistake again...  So, we let the wood sit out on the deck in the sun and rain for about a month and after scrubbing it down many times, the wood is fresh and clean now.

Baby #3 is still many months away and will spend the first few months in our room, but we still needed to get the bunk bed stored in the house somewhere.  So, we decided to just set it up now in Elena's room and thought we would just let the kids use it as a fort until they are forced to share a room next summer.  No biggie, right?

HA!!!  YOU try telling a three-year-old he has to wait a year to sleep inside the most amazing bunk-bed fort that ever existed!!!  (Complete with a storage-unit on top??)

So, instead of fighting with him, we decided to let him sleep in it one night.  A trial run.  For the next *ahem* week, all he heard was "If you wake up your sister, you have to go back to your old room!"  Turns out, that was all the threat he needed.  All of a sudden, the kid, notorious for sword-fighting in his room with the lights on until 10 pm, was quiet as a mouse!!

At first, the excitement took a little while to wear off.

But when Leo hides behind the "wall" - She eventually forgets he is there and falls asleep.

For a couple days, our favorite activity was to put the kids to bed and then sit downstairs in front of the baby monitor to listen to the two of them talk and giggle before bed.  It was super cute.  It still is kinda cute. These two LOVE sharing a room!!

We were riding the high of success for over a week so we decided to fix the problem of the living room.  I am not the best housekeeper.  The kids are going to pull the toys out anyway, so I just leave it.  Our house is a perpetual disaster.

This mess is from November...I still haven't cleaned it up ;)

So we transformed Leo's old room into a temporary toy room and cleared the living area of any toys!!

Which brings me to naptime today...Leo's old bed is gone.  The threat that had been so effective all week of "You will have to go back to your old room if you wake up Elena" is gone.  I got nothin!!

Allow me to introduce you to naptime in the kids room today:

I waited until this morning to publish this post because I wanted to see if the nighttime routine would be any better.  It was.  I was a little worried we were going to have to break it all down and start over!

So, while I wouldn't declare this a victory, one snaffu is okay.  If naptime doesn't go well today though...well...we just might have to throw a pillow and blanket in this box and toss it in the toy room for Leo...

Don't test me boy...

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