7 links - A Year in Review

Cari over at Clan Donaldson challenged me over the weekend to a questionnaire!  She asked seven questions and I have to answer them with links to posts I've already written.  This is like the comprehensive exam at the end of the year.  This may either cause me to continue blogging successfully or throw in the towel due to lack of content!!  There is no way to be humble about some of the answers...so I'm just going to throw it out there with reckless abandon!


Most Beautiful Post

In the post Coming up for air, I posted one of my favorite pictures of all-time.  The rest of the post is definitely NOT beautiful but the photo at the end takes the cake.  In Mensa Granola and a Trip Down Memory Lane, I was able to finally write down the beginning of my relationship with Jason.  The way the beginning of the relationship unfolded was pretty beautiful.

Most Popular Post

I don't know when foreign equivalent of Halloween is celebrated around the year, but I get 3-4 visits a day for the google search "80s costume" on my Trick or Treat Take 1 post.  I had no idea 80s costumes were a year-round novelty!!

Most Controversial Post

I don't really do controversial.  I think it has to do with my placement in my family.  Usually the middle children are the most diplomatic and the peace-keepers.  However, I went out on a limb this winter to write about and post pictures of hunting and fishing.  About 10 years ago, I vividly remember when my boss emailed the picture of the buck he shot during Thanksgiving break.  I was physically ill for the entire week.  I could barely look this guy in the face I was so repulsed.  There was no way I could have predicted that I would be doing the same on my blog!  So - read at your own risk: Four Fish Were Harmed in the Making of This

Most Helpful Post

I take a lot of pride in posting (as accurately as possible) the joys of motherhood.  I think motherhood gets a bad rap and I spent a lot of my teens and early 20s nervous that I wouldn't love it as much as I do.  So, in between the real posts about the challenges of motherhood, I try to include some joy-filled posts about how much I LOVE my vocation as a mom and my choice to be a stay-at-home-mom.  Although my kids cry and fight, it's still the best job in the world.  So, here are my most helpful posts about motherhood: Unlocking the Key to Happiness and The Myth of Motherhood Dispelled Best Friends and Livin' the Good Life.

Post Whose Success Surprised You

I had no idea that so many people were interested in making headboards.  In fact, I didn't even know how essential a headboard was until having babies and nursing in the wee hours of the morning.  I really thought we were some of the cheapest people out there when he made our headboard, but it has become a very popular post!  Homemade Headboard Instructions

I also posted along with Hallie Lord over at Betty Beguiles and tons of other women 10 Facts about Me and My Better Half.  Usually, we bloggers love to participate in these link-ups, but we rarely have enough time to read all the other submissions.  I was so surprised at how many women were able to come and read my post!

And, I learned the hard way about catch phrases and words NOT to use on your blog about children with my Wre.stl.e.Ma.n.ia blogpost.  Apparently, there are still a ton of hairy, greasy men and brace-faced teens who are trying to find the info on "W.re.s.tleM.an.ia 2011" as that google search phrase (minus all the periods) has driven tons of traffic to my blog.  Lesson learned indeed.

A Post You Didn't Feel Got the Attention It Deserved

One of the hardest things about being a blogger is thinking you will get tons of affirmation...and then receiving none.  I have often felt like abandoning the blog.  But then I remember that my kids will see this one day when I am long gone and they will learn even more about who I am and why they are so messed up ;) 

So, here are two blogposts that I demand mad-props for: Elena's First Year in Video and The Happiest Little BBQ Schmutz in Town.

Post You Are Most Proud Of

There are a few blogposts that I compiled as a direct result of the thousands of photos I take.  The pictures grew in quantity and, eventually, I had enough photos to come up with something really fantastic.  These posts were my proudest creative moments :)

The Cure for the Dog Days of Summer is the post I often go back and re-read.  I also go back often to the Dad is Home post when I need a good laugh.  Exploring the Space was a surprising compilation.  And my all-time favorite of the century is Now Entering Phase Superhero.

Now, it's your turn. I'm calling you guys out! I want to see what you've got!

- Grace at Camp Patton (I realize you have no idea who I am...but I am your biggest blog stalker...)
- Kat at Living Like the Kings (OOPS!!  I didn't realize Kat already did hers! Here is the link)
- The one and only City Wife, Country Life
- Delena at It's on my To-Do List

I can't wait to see what you ladies come up with :)

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