Livin' the good life

I couldn't imagine a house with only one child in it.  I remember a time when Leo was only 4 months old and I was bored out of my mind.  I would sit on the couch holding him while he slept and try to figure out something to do.  The best I could think of was have another baby :)   

While I observe, Elena gets all her education and attention from Leo.  I used to read him books.  Now he passes on the skill.

I used to sit with Leo during snacktime.  Now Elena keeps him company.

I used to...well nevermind...I never tried to squeeze my hiney on this thing!  But I did try to rock Leo on this when he was smaller.  Now Elena gets to sit back and enjoy the ride!

I used to only have to swat one child away while I emptied the there are two trying to crawl in.  This is why I do chores while they are napping ;)

I used to beg Leo to smile for the camera and say "CHEESE!!"  Now he's got the hang of it :)

I used to climb the walls with boredom.  Now they do...

These two have so much fun together.  If you are considering siblings for your child, I strongly encourage you to do it!!

Best.  Life.  Ever.

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