
Many moons ago, my nephew would run through the house like a mad man in a Spiderman costume...24/7.  My sister had to clean out the garage so the costume is long-gone, but if it were still around, I'm sure he would be in it...right now.

I was always a big fan of playing with costumes, but after watching how much fun this kid had, I knew it would be a staple in our house.  Last year, after Halloween, I raided the sales to stock up on a few costumes for Leo.  I fully intend on doing homemade costumes for Halloween this year, but the store-bought costumes are GREAT for year-round playing!

Last night, we turned on a classic - The Land Before Time.  This film is great.  Netflix has it on Watch Instantly on your computer so we have turned it on a few times for Leo.  I couldn't believe how bad the graphics are compared to the graphics available today!!  Sometime last week, I decided to put on The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration (talking about milking a good thing!!).  It was terrible!  They added songs...really bad ones...Or maybe singing dinosaurs just remind me of Barney.  I'm not sure.

About half-way through the movie, I remembered that we had a dinosaur costume stashed away upstairs in the costume bag!  SCORE!!

The moral of the story is: Everything is funnier with a costume on. 

I am going to keep the costume bag within arms reach, and whenever we are having a tough day with Leo, I'll just throw a costume on him, and even his temper tantrums will be hilarious :)


  1. Awww I love the Land Before Time! But yeah... they really outdid it with so many versions of it. I love Petrie and Ducky :)

  2. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but the best place to get costumes is at thrift stores. Kids only want to be Batman or a Pirate for one year, I guess. We're currently on the lookout for a "Dorthy Gale" costume. :)

  3. I'm going to have to check them out! We have some really good thrift stores around here! I'll keep a lookout for Dorothy as well just in case.


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