That baby got chips in his hair?

That baby got chips in his hair?

That is what our family now says when we see cradle cap - many thanks to an adorable little 5 year old who met my niece when she had cradle cap last year.

Although, with me as his mother, it is entirely possible that this little guys DOES have chips in his hair...

I mean - no.  That's not right.  I'm 100% classy and always eat my chips with a knife and fork.


  1. Lol! Ah, cradle cap! I was always so tempted to scrub it off my son's head. What a cutie-pie btw!

  2. Hilarious.
    How sweet are those kids of yours, by the way??

  3. Totally buy some CJs BUTTer if you want to get rid of it. It worked wonders on Annamarie when nothing else worked. It's a cloth diaper cream, but it works for skin issues too.


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