What doesn't kill you...

Tragedy struck the Gale house

This morning, at 9:37 am, Leo suffered a major fall and not ONLY skinned his knees...

But also got owies on his feet... *sarcasm abounding*


I am definitely the least compassionate mom in the the world today.

I couldn't stop laughing at him when tried to hobble across the living room unassisted.  My raucous laughter did get a quick smile out of him, but he fails to see his own ridiculousness.

I can't help but think of all the summers I spent crying behind a boat that was trying to pull me out of the water on my water skis.  I hated every minute of trying to get up while the nasty lake water went straight through my nose and out my mouth.  I had 4 siblings ridiculing me from the safety of the boat while I, struggling to breathe, flailed in the water attached to two sticks larger than my own body.  I despised them and devoted many a diary page to each one of them.  I just barely made it out of elementary school alive (...and so did they...)

(Eldest tormentor not pictured)

But I still can't muster an ounce of compassion for my little guy as he cries for help to walk across the room. 

Lesson 1 of Life: Never leave the house without pants...

Lesson 2 of Life: What doesn't kill you buddy...

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