Round 2...

Every summer, Jason leaves for a week to go on a mission trip with his Youth Group.  This year, just like all the others, he snuck out the door at 4:30 am to get on the road.  And, in keeping with tradition, Leo pulled the exact same move two years in a row.

Last year, on the very first day Jason left for his mission trip ...

and just after The Brownaroo FestiWill of Music...

(so named for the one and only Will Brown - the guy on the mike) ...

...Leo puked in his bed.

(I assure you it had nothing to do with the above picture.  Everyone has to pull their weight at the FestiWill of Music.  Everyone is given rotating jobs to do.  That's just how it works.)

Now, one year later, Jason happily picks up his pillow and his bag and he quietly exits the Pukedom.  Shortly after he leaves, Leo wakes up and comes to my room armed with his heavy metal tractor.  I pull him up and quietly tell him it's not time to wake up.  He lays down and plays quietly with his tractor (I should have known something was up!!!!!!)

A half-hour later, he sits up, rubs his belly and says, "My belly hurts" and proceeds to vomit not once, not twice, but 4 times on my bed.  I think...I didn't have my glasses on and I'm completely blind so all I saw was a reddish tinge coming out of one of his 4 eyes.  I'm telling you - I'm completely blind!

I couldn't even reach out to grab him because I didn't know where I was grabbing.  Blindness = no depth perception whatsoever.  So I scrambled for my glasses, waited until he was done and transferred him to the bathroom to clean up. 

The culprit this year (in my opinion) was the red Flavor Ice he got his hands on last night.  We tried to convince him that blue or green were equally as delicious, but he wanted red!  I don't trust Red 40.  Not since, many years ago, a friend did an experiment on her children and gave them Red 40 and we sat back to watch the madness. 

He is resting up now.  And it's just like last year - Things can only get better from here!!!

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