A lot has happened in 2 years!

A couple years ago, I would have considered myself a computer guru. I knew a lot about a lot. But in the last few years it all got away from me. With the inception of this blog, I started looking around for other interesting blogs and interesting people. Then I started thinking to myself, how am I going to remember all of these awesome blog sites??

I started an email thread to myself...(please don't laugh at me) and every time I found another good site, I would reply to the email and send that to myself. The email started to become large and chaotic. I knew there was no way to keep up. If only there existed a way to keep track of it all??

Then, I pressed this funny looking button on a blog site.


I'm a little slow, I know. Well, now all of my favorite blogs are stored way nicely in my Google Blog Reader. I love it.

But there is something really fun about not being "hip" or "with the times." My nieces and nephews love when we make ourselves look stupid by saying "LAUGH OUT LOUD" when they say something funny, or calling their Ripstick a "waverunner."

Getting older is awesome. There is not nearly as much pressure to know everything. And I'm a few years away from making ridiculous statements in public and people calling me a cute old lady instead of screaming about how ignorant I am.

My poor children. They have no idea the things Jason and I are going to do to embarrass them when they are older. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

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